San Jose Astronomical Association
About The San Jose Astronomical Association
The SJAA was established in 1954 to provide education about astronomy and related sciences to members and the public. The SJAA Astro Imaging Special Interest Group (SIG) has a mission of bringing together people who have an interest in astronomy imaging, or put more simply, taking pictures of the night sky. In December 2022 and January 2023 Dave Payne was invited to to speak to the SIG about GHS.
GHS Image Stretching 101 by Dave Payne
Using GHS in its new process form, Dave explains the approach he takes to design and apply stretches for his astro images. He covers the following topics.
- How to use the histogram and how it should look for different types of astronomical images.
- The five main GHS parameters, how these affect the stretch results. including shortcuts for new users.
- How features of the new GHS process allow for dynamic fine adjustment of parameters.
- How GHS can be used seamlessly with other processes.
With a focus on practical implementation, Dave illustrates his talk with a wide variety of astronomical images, colour and monochrome, starless and starred, solar system and deep sky nebulosity and galaxies.
SJAA Presentation Part A
SJAA Presentation Part B