Frequently Asked Questions
What is the correct repository address for GHS?
The repository address is : https://www.ghsastro.co.uk/updates/
The same address will download both the script and the process version of GHS. Please don’t forget the trailing “/” and note that repository addresses are case sensitive.
The repository address should be added to your repository list in PixInsight which you will find under Resources>Updates>Manage Repositories. Once you have added it you will need to go to Resources> Updates>Check for Updates to download GHS and then restart PixInsight to install it.
I have the GHS repository in my PixInsight repository list but GHS does not appear in my process list
If you are running at least PixInsight 1.8.9-1 you should be able to use the process version of GHS. If it does not appear in your process list then go to Process>Modules>Install Modules and click Search. If the GHS file is found then install it.
If this doesn’t help then go to Resources>Updates>Reset Updates, this will allow you to refresh all updates including GHS. If this option does not appear in the Resources>Updates menu then you should update PixInsight to the latest version.
If you are running a version of PixInsight earlier than 1.8.9-1 then you will only be able to use the script version of GHS – we recommend you update to the latest version of PixInsight.
My ISP is T-Mobile and I am unable to access the GHS web site or repository
Unfortunately T-Mobile have a bad gateway that is affecting their clients accessing the GHS web site and repository. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do to resolve this situation. We suggest using a VPN as a work around.
Where can I find help on using GHS?
The script and the process both have detailed documentation available which can be accessed via the documentation button at the bottom right of the script/process interface.
Additionally there are several instructional videos in the videos section of this site. Furthermore a search on YouTube will bring up more video resources that you may find helpful.
I have a question that is not covered in these FAQs, how can I get support?
We do not host a user support forum on this site but both Dave and Mike are frequent contributors to several astrophotography forums. We suggest you consider posting any GHS questions at the official PixInsight Forum. We will see it there and respond, plus there are many other GHS and PixInsight users on that forum who may well be able to help as well.