This page provides links to release notes for each GHS version (starting from version 2.2.0)
GHS version 3.0.3
This note describes changes introduced in Version 3.0.3. The release notes can be found here.
GHS version 3.0.2
Version 3 references the process version of GHS. The process comes with detailed documentation and as such release notes were not issued for the first release. This note describes changes introduced in Version 3.0.2. (Version 3.0.1 affected only the Linux version and was a recompilation allowing GHS to run on earlier Linux installations). The release notes can be found here.
GHS version 2.2.3 & 2.2.4
Version 2.2.3 incorporated some of the performance improvements from the GHS process module into the script. Version 2.2.4 made a small alteration to make clear that the process required PixInsight 1.8.9-1.